Darwin, Palmerston & rural Tick pest control

About ticks in the Northern Territory

Ticks are prevalent in the Northern Territory, particularly during the ‘Build-Up.' They thrive in humid conditions and they’re often found in thick vegetation. You might be able to spot them under palm fronds and garden mulch. These ticks wreak havoc on pets and affect humans, especially children. They make dogs sick and cause a nasty bite when they feed on humans. 

Ticks are oval in shape, although they do appear swollen once they’ve fed on a victim. They thrive on the blood of warm-blooded animals like cats, dogs, possums, echidnas, and bandicoots. The Australian paralysis tick is also found in humid places in the country. These ticks cause rashes and flu-like symptoms. If they’re left to feed on the host, they can cause symptoms of partial facial paralysis.

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Keep your family and pets safe with effective tick treatments from Northern Rock Pest Control


Feedback from our customers

Never have I met such a company who are this efficient. would 110% recommend Pete and the team anyday!

L Murray
Northern Rock Pest Control

Darwin's Pest Control Experts

Tick pest control
Phone us
8931 2254
Darwin Pest Control Office
10/35 Marjorie St, Pinelands NT 0829

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