About cockroaches in the Northern Territory
Homes and offices in Darwin often become breeding grounds for certain types of cockroaches. These insects are known to carry nearly 33 different types of bacteria, including E. coli and salmonella. Some roach species commonly found in the Northern Territory include the Australian Cockroach, the German Cockroach, and the Brown Banded Cockroach. All species have one thing in common; they’re attracted to dirt, leftover foods, and garbage. So hygiene is extremely important.
Australian Roaches are most common in the country. They thrive mostly in leaf mulch and palm trees. German Roaches hide in dark and warm places in your kitchen looking for food. Brown Banded Roaches are prolific breeders. They travel throughout homes and offices and they’re common in many Top Ender homes.
Even if you rid the interiors of your home and office of cockroaches, these pests can fly in from elsewhere and re-infest your home. Luckily, there are a few treatment options that protect your dwelling or commercial space from re-infestations. No amount of surface spray can totally eliminate roach infestations.